forever) where it shows and pressure treated southern yellow pine
(rots in 20 years, exactly same stuff we have rotting right now in
our old docks, for the framing.
Fixed docks made with yellow pine would last 20 years, the reason for
the difference in the longevity of the floating docks versus fixed is
that floating docks will not be submerged on a regular basis thus
diluting the treatment chemicals and rendering it vulnerable to
deterioration. Also The fixed docks are fastened with galvanized
nails and due to being submerged they rust, swell up and split the
stringers thus allowing water to enter the tops of the stringers and
speeding up deterioration. Floating docks are fastened with
stainless screws and will not deteriorate, and the hardwood deck
helps to keep the weather from the top edge of the treated lumber underneath.